F. Storage

Topic Progress:

The final step in the process is the proper storage of sterilized instruments. Upon completion of the heat sterilization process, instruments shall remain sealed and stored in a manner so as to prevent contamination.

  1. All pouches and wrapped cassettes must be dry before removing from the sterilization unit and before handling.
  2. All pouches and wrapped cassettes must have the date of sterilization and the unit number on them prior to storage.
  3. All sterilized pouches and wrapped cassettes must be stored in an area away from all prior processing steps and in a manner in which sterilization can be maintained:
    1. Closed cabinets
    2. Closed drawers
  • Pouches of sterile instruments, when properly stored, may be stored for 6 months.
    • After 6 months, the packages will be opened, instruments re-cleaned, repackaged and re-sterilized.
    • The package will be labeled with the date of sterilization and the specific sterilizer used if more than one sterilizer is utilized in the facility.
  • Wrapped packages of sterile instruments, when properly stored, may be stored for 30 days
    • After 30 days, the wrapped packages will be opened, instruments re-cleaned, repackaged, and re-sterilized.
    • The wrapped package will be labeled with the date of sterilization and the specific sterilizer used if more than one sterilizer is utilized in the facility

Check with the manufacturer of the wraps and pouches and follow their IFUs (Instructions for use) for expiration times and proper replacement of pouches.

Any package that is wet, torn, dropped on the floor, or damaged in any way should not be used and must be re-cleaned, repackaged in new pouch or wrap, re-sterilized, and re-labeled with the date of sterilization and the specific sterilizer used if more than one sterilizer is utilized in the facility.