A. Required Times to Wash Hands

Topic Progress:

DHCP must clean their hands according to the stated methods and with the appropriate materials at the following times:

  1. At the beginning of their work shift each day
  2. Routine hand washing throughout the day
    1. Before and after eating
    2. Before and after using the restroom
    3. When hands are visibly soiled
  3. Before & after routine dental procedures
  4. Before glove placement & after glove removal
  5. If re-gloving is required after a tear or puncture in gloves
  6. After touching items potentially contaminated with blood or saliva
  7. Before surgical procedures
  8. After contact with patient’s intact skin
  9. After contact with non-intact skin, mucous membranes, body fluids
  10. At the end of their work shift each day