B. Materials & Methods for Hand Washing

Topic Progress:

DHCP must practice good hand hygiene in the DHS. Depending on the type of patient treatment, DHCP may use soap & water, antimicrobial hand wash, or alcohol-based hand rubs incorporating the following methods:

  1. Routine hand washing:
    1. Remove jewelry, rings, wrist ornaments, etc.
    2. Use a paper towel, or other barrier, to turn faucet on and wet hands with cool to warm water.
    3. Using a pump or hands-free dispenser, apply the hand cleaner.
    4. Scrub hands vigorously for 15-20 seconds.
    5. Wash from the fingertips to the wrist, in-between fingers, behind thumbs and back of hands.
    6. Thoroughly rinse under a stream of cool to warm water.
    7. Pat dry; never friction rub with disposable towels.
    8. Use a disposable towel or other barrier to turn off faucet (do not touch faucet).
  2. Antiseptic hand washing/Alcohol based hand rub: If hands are not visibly soiled or contaminated, DHCP may use a Hand Sanitizer.
    1. The Hand Sanitizer must contain 60%-65% or more Ethanol or Ethyl Alcohol, but no more than 90%.
    2. Following the manufacturer’s use for instructions (IFU), use a sufficient amount of alcohol- based antiseptic. These are dose specific and you must follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use (IFU).
    3. Remove jewelry, rings, wrist ornaments, etc.
    4. Apply hand sanitizer as directed by instructions (IFU).
    5. Rub hand sanitizer all over hands as if washing with soap and water; from the fingertips to the wrist, in-between fingers, behind thumbs and back of hands. Hands should remain wet or be continuously rubbed for 30 seconds or until hands are dry. This method will not remove dirt.
    6. Hand Sanitizer may be used 3 consecutive times before hands must be washed with soap/water. (OSHA states hands should be washed as soon as feasible/possible)
  3. For surgical procedures:
    1. Prior to surgical procedures, a surgical scrub needs to be done with an antimicrobial soap.
    2. Remove jewelry, rings, wrist ornaments, etc.
    3. Use a paper towel, or other barrier, to turn faucet on and wet hands with cool to warm water.
    4. Using a pump or hands-free dispenser, apply the hand cleaner.
    5. Wash with Antimicrobial soap & water for 2 – 6 minutes. 
    6. Scrub from the fingertips and the forearm up to the elbow, in-between fingers, behind thumbs and back of hands.
    7. Thoroughly rinse under a stream of cool to warm water.
    8. Pat dry; never friction rub with disposable towels.
    9. Use a disposable towel or other barrier to turn off faucet (do not touch faucet).