CDA proposes membership choice initiative driven by member research; components will vote this fall

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During the pandemic, CDA and SCCDS rose to daily challenges and supported members through uncertain times. Together, we must now focus on the next challenge – delivering what members tell us they want from their membership to help with the challenges of practice today.

What has CDA been hearing from members?

Multiple surveys and focus groups were conducted by an external research firm to reveal the CDA, ADA, and component benefits members use and value the most. Top-level responses include the bread-and-butter challenges of practice today including help with the pain points of dental plans and staffing challenges and the need for advocacy and high-quality C.E. The surveys indicate that most California dentists derive significantly more membership value from the combined benefits offered by CDA and their local dental societies and, more than two-thirds of dentists who responded to the survey stated that they would opt out of ADA membership if given that choice. 

How is CDA responding?

CDA proposes to partner with local dental societies to respond to these findings by introducing member choice. Specifically, CDA is proposing that ADA membership should be an option but no longer be mandated for California dentists as a requirement for CDA and local society membership

Will this impact CDA and the component’s relationship with the ADA? 

The intent is to remain active, engaged with, and still maintain representation at the ADA. In no way is this a proposal to disaffiliate CDA or local dental societies from the ADA.

What happens next and what should members expect? 

This proposal has the full support of the CDA Board of Directors and requires approval from the components through a vote at the CDA House of Delegates this fall. The CDA House of Delegates is comprised of delegates elected by their local societies and the dental schools. CDA will continue discussions with ADA and dental society leadership across California, as well as conduct another specific membership survey on this topic in late summer to refine the details of the proposal.

Member feedback is also informing changes to program and benefit offerings. Among these are:

  •  CDA will introduce an exciting new mix of events and C.E. programs over the next year.
  • CDA will increase the dues discount for early career dentists to invest in them and make membership more accessible. In addition, dues for the life active membership category will be aligned with the active member dues amounts. 
  • The CDA House of Delegates will also need to make decisions on an increase in dues to ensure sustainability. 

We are working hard to support California dentists and secure a thriving future. More information about all these initiatives and changes will be shared with members in the coming months. We encourage members to reach out to CDA and their local dental society leaders with any questions and input as we aim to serve the members and the profession.

CDA and SCCDS will continue to fight for the things that mean the most to members — like addressing dental benefit challenges and the often-illusory “insurance” plans that don’t provide meaningful coverage for patients. This kind of reform, along with CDA’s litigation against Delta Dental, is a key area of focus. This work is complemented by programs to address significant practice staffing shortages, support early career dentists who are burdened by significant debt, and offer education and support for today’s various practice modalities and career paths.

How can you learn more? 

Watch a new video message from Dr. John Blake, CDA president, to learn more about CDA’s proposal and perspective: 

For updates on these and other important initiatives, stay connected to CDA and SCCDS communications and be on the lookout for future surveys so that your voice can be heard. If you are not receiving communications and surveys from CDA, please review and update your member profile on to confirm your email address and preferences.

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