General Membership Meeting: Remarkable Case Acceptance with Photos and a Compelling Story

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Course will start at 5 pm


Business research clearly states that internal marketing to existing clients is more effective than external marketing for new clients. Further, visual storytelling is 10 times more effective than a lecture or a report to influence people.

So why do dentists think that more new patients are the answer to growth and profit? And why do dentists expect patients to say “yes” to an authoritative, boring lecture telling them what they need? The bottom line—why spend money on external marketing to attract patients UNTIL you have created a powerful new patient experience that generates 85% acceptance of complete treatment to solve teeth, gum, and bite problems? It’s bad business and it’s throwing money down the drain!

Benefits of this course:
• Perform more elective, quadrant, and full mouth dentistry for your existing patients.
• Making photography routine, easy, fast, and fun.
• Why use a DSLR camera vs single tooth photos with an intra-oral camera.
• Contrast is the essence of vision! Digital photography for visual storytelling.

• 6 simple new patient photos that help patients co-discover and co-diagnose their own disease.

• Create a transformative new patient experience that differentiates your practice from “commoditized,” price competitive, insurance-based practices.
• 3 key pictures to demonstrate occlusal problems—teeth are part of a sensory chewing system.
• A compelling story-based treatment consultation, a story is the sugar that helps the medicine go down.
• Inform before you perform. Present treatment too soon and the patient hears “here’s your problem, now I’m going to sell you the solution.”
• Connecting with patients on health vs a computer estimate of cost and insurance coverage.
• Motivate for health rather than managing disease.


Dr. Leary has a fee for service dental prac4ce in Menlo Park, Ca. He lectures on comprehensive restorative dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, case presentation, the new patient experience, practice
development, and health-centered dentistry.

Dr. Mills has a private practice in Mountain View, CA. He lectures on the delivery of comprehensive care utilizing minimally invasive procedures. He has developed techniques that combine orthodontics and composite addition dentistry to treat patients with severely damaged dention.

Event Times

  •  April 9, 2020
     5:00 pm - 7:30 pm
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.
